"who will you marry a divorced woman at 27 and an unmarried woman at 35?" The man's answer angered the whole circle of friends.

/October 2023

broadcast Anthony Lang

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have seen a street interview:

"who would you like to marry a 27-year-old divorced woman or a 35-year-old unmarried woman?"

A man chose a 35-year-old unmarried woman for the following reasons:

"if I have bought all the second-hand houses for used cars, do I have to pick up a 27-year-old divorced second-hand product?"

another man also said: "A first-married man should not marry a second-married woman, because he has a bad reputation and is too cheap!"

but for 35-year-old unmarried women, some men commented: "35-year-old unmarried, must be ugly."

"leftover women are either particularly ugly or particularly picky. They must still be poor or unruly."

it seems that in their eyes, women who are old and unmarried or have experienced divorce are tainted.

remember that he Jiong once said:

"few people will say that this man is very successful, but he has been divorced; but he will say that this woman is very successful, but she is divorced."

in my opinion, neither single nor divorce can be used as a criterion to judge whether a person is "valuable" or not.

A divorced woman does not necessarily mean that she has problems and bad character.

No love, disagreement between values, tiredness and betrayal may lead to divorce.

whether you are single, married or divorced, it is for your own happiness.

but sadly, the view that "divorce is a defective product and marriage is a trophy" is still imprinted in the hearts of many people.

low-quality marriage

not as good as high-quality singles

some people have summed up the four major tragedies of women: motherly spouse, nanny wife, widowed parenting and widowed marriage.

I think so.

in the recent broadcast of "Men who do housework 3", the family relationship between Nie Yuan and his wife Qin Ziyue caused a heated discussion.

Qin Ziyue and her parents got up early to cook, and the three were busy, and the meal was ready by 10:00 in the morning.

while Nie Yuan is still fast asleep.

Mother Qin was afraid that the food would get cold and affect the taste, so she took the cover to cover the dish.

at 12:00, before Nie Yuan got up, Qin Ziyue went into the room and called several times.

Mom's food was reheated several times, and there was an unhappy expression on Qin's father's face.

wait until 2 o'clock, Nie Yuan finally woke up, the family can finally eat this "breakfast".

after Nie Yuan finished eating and wiping his mouth, he said, "I'm going to play ball" and left behind the family and the rest of the housework.

Men wake up with hot meals, can do what they like after eating, and lead a more natural and comfortable life than when they were single.

Qin Ziyue also guided him to do housework, but he thought cooking was too simple and didn't want to do it, so he brushed the toilet under the excuse of doing it often, so he didn't do it.

the more seriously Qin Zi told Nie Yuan about his grievances at home, Nie Yuan said, "Don't have emotions, it's not necessary, what are you doing?"

then he turned to play with his cell phone, turning a blind eye to his wife's emotions, not even a word of comfort.

once read a complaint on the Internet: "some women are going to be wives, some women are going to be nannies."

is it true that women marry to serve you?

is it right for women to take care of their children, do housework and work hard at home?

A low-quality marriage is far inferior to a high-quality single.

what is even more frightening is that when you are over 25, relatives and friends around you begin to urge marriage, telling you: "although marriage is a tomb, it is better than exposing corpses in the wilderness." By the time the old leftover girl is old, she will be a mess. "

it's ridiculous.

Guo Caijie said on a program that although she is not married, she also hopes that the process can be controlled by herself, and that only those who meet love will get married, instead of being urged by parents to find someone to make do with.

so a guest said, "Don't overestimate the tolerance of a marriage without love."

Marriage without love is hard to endure.

because marriage is not a child's play, it needs to be implemented in various details such as housework, money, children, parents, firewood, rice, oil and salt, and so on.

being single is not like a scourge, but a good time to be alone and ascend.

I have a friend who is single, but has been working and living seriously.

I read books, watch movies, go to supermarkets and travel around the world by myself. I also go to see art exhibitions, eat hot pot, be in a daze, sing songs, and watch the sea. I have a successful career and made a lot of friends.

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she once said her views on love: "look forward to it like he will come tomorrow, and live like he will never come."

she has also been courted by several boys, one of whom is very warm to her, but the other only cares about her verbally, and another guy often steals when he goes out on a date.Secretly looking at the phone, she found that the other party was chatting with several girls at the same time.

it is not that she is picky, but that she has to wait for the person she really likes and is willing to be nice to her.

what we want to pursue is happiness, not making do with two people.

enjoy being single and fall in love with yourself.

as Yishu said, "I have only one life, and I cannot give generously to those who do not love."

A good life is not bad for this life

there is a Japanese documentary Seven single Women living together, which tells the story of seven single women between the ages of 70 and 82.

the seven grandmothers live in different rooms in the same apartment, each living independently and taking care of each other.

they spend every day wonderful and free: hair dyeing, makeup, afternoon tea, shopping, travel.

because each of them has each other's room key, when life is difficult, they can ask the girlfriends group for help.

from buying tea to having headaches and getting sick late at night, they will ask their girlfriends for help.

for them, people are old, but their hearts can't be old.

even if they are single, it does not affect their continued pursuit of happiness in life.

Marriage is not the purpose of life, happiness is.

A person can also lead a good life.

but I'm not encouraging people not to marry. If you meet the right person, you can join hands with him for the rest of your life.

follow your inner choice and pursue happiness bravely, it will be worth your life.

have seen such a touching love story. Grandma Ren Liru, 69, and Grandpa Yang Qing, 79, have been together for 46 years.

they have experienced the hardest days since they got married.

but their love is not defeated by these poverty, and it also makes their love stronger.

Grandma said, still remember that the old man likes to drag himself to go shopping, what she likes, the old man always says to buy.

Grandpa said that he felt that he had let Grandma have the most difficult life, and he didn't buy anything good for her at that time. Later, he burst into tears.

after the two are old, the relationship is still sweet.

Grandma went to geriatric college, and Grandpa took her by the hand to take her to school.

after arriving at school, Grandma went to class, and Grandpa found a place to read the newspaper and waited for Grandma to finish the class.

Grandma always worries that Grandpa will not remember things when he is old, so Grandpa will leave a note before going out and tell Grandma where to go and what time he will be back.

this is probably the most simple and romantic love letter:

"Old lady, I'm going to pay the electricity bill and property fee."

"Old woman, I'm going to buy vegetables." Bao, I went to buy Daoxiang Village. "

Grandma is also reluctant to throw it away, keeping one by one, because this is the witness of two people's love.

Grandpa often amuses Grandma.

the two of them can dance together.

this is probably the best appearance of love.

when we meet, the two love each other for ten thousand years;

when I fall in love, I have you in my eyes and love in my heart.

be punctual, do not leave when poor, do not give up when rich;

until we hold hands and grow old together.

"there is only one success in this world, and that is to live your life the way you like."

there is no standard equation in life. Whether to get married or not is a personal choice. The most important thing is to live your life as you wish.

whether it is the joy of celibacy or the sweetness of love, it is the choice of your own life.

other people's opinions are only reference answers, while your own opinions are the standard answer.

A good life is worthy of this life.

, may you climb a mountain, pursue a dream, ask for all your life, love and freedom, firm and gentle.